Civil Services Interview 2017-2022 All Questions PDF Download

दोस्तों अगर आप Civil Services Exams की तैयारी कर रहे हैं तो आप सभी को पता ही होगा कि इसमें Written exams के बाद Interview होता है तो आपको उसकी तैयारी भी सही से करनी चाहिए. क्यूंकि अगर आप इंटरव्यू clear नहीं कर पाओगे तो आपको job भी नही मिल पायेगी इसीलिए इंटरव्यू की तैयारी करना बहुत ज़रूरी है. तो दोस्तों इसीलिए आज हम आप सभी के लिए Civil Services Interview All Questions PDF में लेकर आये हैं. तो आप इन प्रश्नों को एक बार ज़रूर पढ़े क्यूंकि आगे चलकर ये आप सभी के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगे. तो आप सभी इस बुक को नीचे दिये हुये download बटन पर क्लिक करके बहुत ही आसानी से download कर सकते हो.

Civil Services Interview All Questions PDF

Civil Services Interview 2017-21 All Questions PDF

दोस्तों यहाँ आप सभी की बता दें की इस notes में नीचे दिए गए topics के अधार पर प्रश्न दिए गए हैं. इसके अलावा हमने इन सभी topics के 10-10 प्रश्न नीचे भी लिख दिए हैं ताकि आप सभी को idea हो जाये की इस नोट्स में किस तरह के प्रश्न दिए गए हैं और ये आपके के लिए उपयोगी हैं या नहीं-

  • Indian Economy
  • Budget & Economic Survey (2017-18)
  • Governance & Development
  • International Relations


1. What is RIRI? Why India ranks better on this as compared to the credit rating agency calculations?
2. Which sectors receive Venture Capital Funding? How to bring it to mass manufacturing?
3. What is a Land Bank?
4. Is it possible to double farm income by 2022, as government aims?
5. Do you think APMC is one of biggest hurdle for food processing industry in India?
6. Are we giving adequate crop price to our farmers as MSP?
7. Why investment summits are considered mere eye-wash?
8. We always had a dedicated roads program in last 15 years. What is special in Bharatmala?
9. While electricity production has improved leaps and bounds, the distribution is still struck in web of leakages and inefficiency? Discuss.
10. Smart cities program is too slow and inadequate to address the problem of Indian cities. Do you


1. What are the priorities of Budget 2018-19? Can it be called a great leap for inclusive growth? Is it an election budget?
2. The budget has failed to implement a new direct tax code in view of changing income and expenditure profiles of Indian households? Is it a disappointment for the middle class?
3. Will the government be able to maintain its fiscal deficit targets?
4. Why is Economic Survey 2017-18 pink coloured? Do such symbolisms have any real significance?
5. Do you think that estimated growth and its future projections in the Economic Survey are achievable? Why?
6. What are the incentives offered to SMEs in tax policy in view of GST’s adverse effects on them?
7. What are the proposals for agriculture sector and rural development in the Budget 2018-19?
8. Do you think raising education and health cess is right?
9. Free power connections to 4 crore homes under Saubhagya Yojana and eight crore free gas connections for poo women through Ujjwala Yojana may appear welfare oriented, but inside they are populist majors equal to freebies which may not be fiscally sustainable?
10. Why the Economic Survey believes that private sector investment would rebound?

UPSC IAS Interview Questions and Answers

Question 1: If I go away with your sister, what would you do?

Answer:  For my sister, I cannot find as the right bridesmaid as you.

Question 2: Adarsh and Anupam two twins born in May, but their birthday is in June | How is that possible?

Answer: May is a place name.

Question 3: If you got up in the morning and will come to know that you are pregnant then what will you do first?

Answer: I’ll be euphoric and to go first foremost husband will share this news.

Question 4: How do you leave a raw egg on a solid surface, it does not crack?

Answer: The egg will not disturb the Solid surface, you can take the leave.

Question 5: A cat has three children, cat named Their January, February, and March. What is the name of the cat?

Answer: The answer is in the question. A cat named is ‘What.’

Question 6: How can a man live up to 8 days without sleep?

Answer: A man sleeps at night, then what you need to bed in the day.

Question 7: Peacock is a bird who does not lay eggs, then how peacock’s children are born?

Answer: The female peacock eggs, not the male peacock.

Question 8: Can You names Wednesday, Friday and Sunday three consecutive days without taking their name?

Answer: Yesterday, today and Tomorrow.

Question 9: A killer was sentenced to death. Shown three rooms. The first room is on fire second guns with the killer in the and the third Tiger, who had not eaten for three years. What should he choose?

Answer: Room number three, because three years will have died by now hungry, lion.

Question 10: Eight people take 10 hours to build a wall-mounted, how many days it would take to four people.

Answer:The Wall has already made eight people in 10 hours. No need to make it now.

Book Name: Civil Services Interview 2017-21 All Questions
Quality: Excellent
Format: PDF
Size: 263 KB
Author: GS SCORE
Pages: 9 Pages
Language: English

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Civil Services Interview Questions PDF Download

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